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Committee Charge

Utilizing the results of the college planning process and established criteria, the Budget Committee evaluates requests for budget allocations; establishes procedures and calendars used in the college budget process, and recommends allocations of the money available from the college unrestricted COLA/growth and one-time-only (OTO) funds. The Budget Committee operates with the college policy of maintaining historical operating base budgets.

Note: The amount of unrestricted COLA/growth and OTO funds available for the budget committee process is determined annually by the President in consultation with the VPA and reviewed by President’s Cabinet. Unrestricted COLA/growth and OTO funds are drawn from multiple sources including but not limited to: College Discretionary Fund (CDF), Instructionally-Related (IR), Partnership for Excellence (PFE), Vocational and Technical Education Act (VTEA), State Instructional Equipment Funds (SIEF), Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S), etc. Changes in the initial calculation of unrestricted COLA/growth and OTO funds are brought to the committee for appropriate adjustments.

Agendas and Minutes

Budget Recommendations