Business Services
The Business Services Office provides assistance to students and employees. Employee services include:
- purchase request processing
- travel reimbursement check distribution
- a variety of other administrative service forms processing
- Awarded Supply and Maintenance Bids
- Campus-Based Requisition Form - Fillable
- Purchasing Handbook
- Purchasing Cut-Off Dates
- Business Services Office Due Dates
- Purchasing Requirements When Using Federal Funds
- Purchasing Thresholds
- Public Works Bidding Procedures Matrix
- State Object Codes
- Software Account Codes
- Temporary Classified/Student Help/FWS Position Number List
- Timesheets
- User Guide for Requisitions
- Standard Employer Fringe Benefit Rates
- Pacific Dining
- FCCC – Office Depot
- Enterprise Car Rental (business only)
You may qualify for Conference, workshop and travel (CWT) funds through the Staff Resource Center or support for travel may be available from your divisions or categorical programs as Perkins. Please see your dean or supervisor for additional information.
When you rent a vehicle during authorized Los Rios travel, you must be an authorized driver. The rented vehicle is considered a District vehicle during the rental period.
Travel FAQs
What dates should I put in the inclusive dates of travel?
The conference start date until the conference end dates should be on the inclusive lines. Overnight stay for travel may be requested if;
- The employee cannot leave home by 7 am to arrive at the conference/workshop site by the starting time
- The employee cannot return home by 7 pm from the conference/workshop site following the ending time
What are the inclusive start and end times if I am flying?
Starting time should be two hours before departure time to the destination. Ending time should be one hour after arrival time from the destination.
What if I want to arrive before or stay after the conference/workshop?
If flying, a quote will be obtained from Cal Travel Store for the approved inclusive travel dates. If your flight cost for traveling outside the approved inclusive dates cost more than the quote, the maximum amount you will be reimbursed is the quote from Cal Travel Store.
Can I prepay for any expenses before my TA is approved?
Your TA is not approved until all appropriate signatures have been acquired. If for any reason your TA is not approved and you have already paid for expenses out of pocket, you will not be reimbursed for those expenses.
What if I pre-paid expenses and want a reimbursement before three weeks before the travel start date?
You can request (on Travel Justification Memo) that you would like to be reimbursed for that pre-paid expenses on the next available pay date. Receipts must be attached.
When can I get my cash advance?
A cash advance will not be issued any earlier than three weeks before the travel start date.
How much of a cash advance can I request?
You can request as much as the amount on the “Total Estimated Expenses” line (less pre-paid expenses) or the Maximum Allowance Line, if applicable.
How far in advance should I submit TA for approval?
Please submit 6-8 weeks before departure.
Do I include student expenses?
Yes, include all cost for yourself and students on your TA. Please also attach a list of the names of those students and their ID numbers with part I.
How can students receive meals/meal money while traveling?
The chaperone (employee) can request a cash advance on the student’s behalf. Part III will include either one of two forms. One form is used if the employee is paying for the student’s meals (receipts must be included) and another form is used if cash given to the students so that students can purchase their own meals (form includes the students signatures)
The same process is used for incidentals.
What type of flight can I book if I purchase on my own?
Select the lowest rate. For example, purchase economy through most carriers or “wanna get away” through Southwest.
What if I want to drive to a destination that is more than a couple hundred miles away?
Once your TA is approved, a quote will be obtained through Cal Travel Store for inclusive dates, if flying cost less than mileage for driving, the cost for flying will be the max reimbursement. If this happens, notification of this change and a mileage vs flying worksheet will be sent back with part III.
How do I request that the District prepay my flight?
Include estimate with part I and write “Cal Travel Store” on the Travel Agency (airfare) line.
How do book my pre-paid flight with Cal travel Store?
Once your TA is approved, you will receive an email addressed to you and to our SCC travel agent from the Cal Travel Store. The email will contain approved booking dates and destination and instruction on how to book the flight.
Where should I record taxi/share riding on part I and part III?
E. Other Expenses*
How much can I be reimbursed using taxi/ride share from workplace to SMF airport?
The max reimbursement will be mileage from the assigned work location (SCC to SMF RT) plus the expected cost of parking at the daily-uncovered lot. The current rate for SMF parking reimbursement is $12.00 per day.
What if I want to rent a vehicle?
You must become an authorized driver. You can check your authorized driver’s status or complete DMV Release Form and the Keenan Safe College Online Training.
How do I just submit a claim for mileage?
You do not need to submit with a Travel Justification Form. You need to attach log and fill out Part III of the TA starting with the yellow (claim) copy.
What type of information should go on the mileage log?
Address or the name of the site (so long as whoever auditing the log can pull up address on the internet). If the location name has multiple sites such as Chipotle or Sutter Hospital, please include the address.
Can the district use a credit card to reserve a hotel?
Unfortunately, the district does not have credit on file to reserve a hotel.
Is a continental breakfast considered a meal?
Which meals can I claim?
See part C on the back of the TA for meal allowance departure and return times. If meals are included in the registration fee, those meals cannot be claimed. Also, meals can only be claimed if travel is out of district boundaries and includes an overnight stay.
How will my registration fees be pre-paid?
Fill out part II and attach either an invoice or a completed registration. Be sure to either include whom to make check payable to and a remit address. District Office Accounts Payable Office will mail a check to the conference/activity sponsor.
Can my registration fees be paid with a credit card by the District?
No. The only available payment method is check.
How much can I claim for incidentals?
$5.00 per every 24 hours can be claimed for incidentals.
What if I am traveling but the Sponsor is covering some or all the cost?
A TA still needs to be submitted and approved. Please include in the Travel Justification Memo the expenses that will be covered.
What do I attach with part III?
All original receipts (lodging receipts must be itemized). Airfare receipts must be itemized (fare and taxes) and show airfare itinerary. Other Expenses* claimed must have receipts. You do not need to submit the flyer, mileage, or any other original receipts that were previously submitted in part I.
When is Part III due?
Three days after return from travel. A small memo is usually attached to Part III with a handwritten due date.
When will I get my reimbursement check?
Generally allow up to three weeks, after submitting TA, to receive an email notification from BSO to staff to pick up your check.
Phone: (916) 558-2321
Fax: (916) 558-2680
Fall Hours
- Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Friday:
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Rodda Hall North, RHN 173
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822