Career Education
Resources for Faculty and Staff
CE Perkins Information
Checklist, application, and other forms and guidelines
Strong Workforce Program (SWP)
More and Better Career Technical Education to Increase Social Mobility and Fuel Regional Economies with Skilled Workers
Legislation and Regulations Regarding CTE Programs at California Community Colleges (PDF)
Legislation and regulations regarding Career Education Programs at California Community Colleges
Career Education Program Development
A Program Planning Council (PPC) List is maintained by Los Rios to approve the development of all new Career Education programs.
Industry Advisory Committees
What will the workplace of tomorrow look like, and how can we position both employers and workers for success? Valley Vision has adopted a systems approach to understanding the complex needs of the workforce ecosystem.
New World of Work
21st Century Skills Lessons — Soft Skills Focus; Password: NWOW2015NULI
The LaunchBoard, a statewide data system supported by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office and hosted by Cal-PASS Plus, provides data to California community colleges on progress, employment, and earnings outcomes for both CTE and non-CTE pathways.
Career Education: Student Page
Career Education (formerly known as Career Technical Education, or CTE) is a term for educational programs that specialize in skilled trades, applied arts and sciences, and modern technologies. CE programs are designed to advance job skills and marketability.
Associate Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development:
Dr. Cynthia Sommer
Phone: (916) 558-2097
Rodda Hall North RHN 257
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822