Strong Workforce Program (SWP)
More and Better Career Technical Education to Increase Social Mobility and Fuel Regional Economies with Skilled Workers
To develop more workforce opportunities and lift low-wage workers into living-wage jobs, California took a bold step in 2016 to create one million more middle-skill workers. At the recommendation of the California Community College Board of Governors, the Governor and Legislature approved the Strong Workforce Program, adding a new annual recurring investment of $248 million to spur career technical education (CTE) in the nation’s largest workforce development system of 113 colleges.
California Community College's Strong Workforce Program
Applying for SWP: Local Funds
About the Application
- Applications are created in NOVA. For first time users, of the NOVA system, please contact the and provide the necessary information. Access to NOVA and a password with then be created for you.
- Any proposal in the NOVA system may be accessed by clicking on Local Share or Regional Share Projects in the left-hand navigation window.
- SCC’s proposals may be accessed by selecting SCC in the institution drop-down menu.
- Create a user account and password in Launchboard at Cal-PASS Plus. This website will provide information to determine outcome metrics.
- Funding requests can be made for industry sectors, across College Career Education, or for a specific program.
- For new funding requests for a specific program, complete the Labor Market (LMI) Request form and submit to your Dean/Manager.
- Dean/Manager forwards an LMI request to Gabriel Meehan, AVP for submission to the Center of Excellence (COE) for labor market data.
- The COE returns LMI within one week indicating that the project is fundable or not fundable.
- While waiting for the LMI report, begin the application process in NOVA.
- Input project title, start date, end date, # of years, project description, and the rationale for the project. Contact information for the project lead as well as other contact information for the lead institution and other participating institutions.
- Select the projects that meet the intent of the 25 SWP task force recommendations (i.e. increasing CE enrollments that lead to successful workforce outcomes)
Task Force Recommendations
- Input LMI, outcome metrics, Task Force recommendations, work plan, and budget by object codes.
- Refer to the Local Share Manual (link on NOVA) for instructions on how to complete the plan.
- "Email Preview PDF" from the preview tab to Gabriel Meehan, AVP for College Approval, and submission to District Office.
- For users who wish to request funds for an existing application, ask the AVP to un-certify the application.
- Then update the existing project application with start date, end date, # of years the project will run. Then complete the budget information by object code with the funding request for the year of application.
- If funds requested exceed funds available, the requests will be ranked based on an ability to meet SWP outcomes as well as the submission date.
- The AVP notifies the relevant dean or manager when the proposal is certified and requests a budget spreadsheet by account codes based on the application in NOVA.
If funds are requested for a full-time position, there will be an additional review process at the college and at the District. This will delay your application process for several weeks.
Rick Hodge
Rodda Hall North RHN 257
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822