Process Reminder
- Please remember to make copies of each VA planner you prepare. (One for the student, one for counseling)
- Place a copy in the file organizer on the Counseling Counter.
- Place the original in the file organizer marked "VA Planners" in the mailroom. It is located on the top shelf, left side of the mailboxes. Students are not to be given the original.
- Remember to attach all pertinent documents (transcripts, GE pattern, articulation agreement, assessment scores, AP scores, etc.) to the original planner.
- Students must declare a major. For transfer students: If the student is clearly undecided, the student can select “general education transfer” as a major. Double majors are not permitted. They can work on minor and list courses as electives ONLY if they need extra courses to meet transfer or graduation unit levels. Be creative!
- Advise the student to meet with a counselor to complete a new veteran planner once a major has been decided on.NOTE: Students are eligible for 36 months of benefits.
- The student must declare an educational goal: certificate, AA/AS, or BA/BS. Students who plan to earn an AA/AS degree and transfer can declare only one educational goal at a time. Consequently, all courses listed on the VA Planner must apply to that educational goal and major only.
- All courses listed on the VA Planner must apply directly to the major, general education requirements, pre/, basic skills, electives (only if required for the major, needed for the minimum 60 units for AA/AS degree or 70 maximum units for transfer). Do not list remedial classes on the planner that have already been taken. Do not list any completed coursework on the planner that does not apply to GE or major.
- If courses meet both GE and major requirements, list "Met by Major" in the GE Area and do not count units.
- Area E – Living Skills: Students are required to submit a copy of their DD-214 (military discharge forms) for VA benefits. In addition, this will waive the requirement to complete Area E – Living Skills for the AA/AS and/or Area E – Lifelong Understanding for the CSU GE- Breadth Requirements.
NOTE: Students who served in the military for at least one year will not be paid for classes completed for Area E. Students will receive four (4) units maximum. - For majors (i.e., computer science) with lots of choices like:
- choose 3 units from the following
- choose 6 units from the following
- choose one course from the following
Veteran Planner Example Major with Lots of Choices
- Any minor adjustments (such as adding or changing a major course requirement) may be done on the original planner. Initial and date changes.
- In the last semester at SCC, a veteran may take any 9 units they wish (except PE) and will be paid for them. Note: If the student does this and then returns for another semester, they are not eligible for VA assistance.
- After completing a VA planner, place the original and all supporting documents in the file organizer marked "VA Planners" in the mailroom. It is located on the top shelf, left-side of the mailboxes. Supporting documents include all resources used to evaluate the student’s planner, such as the articulation agreement, all college transcripts, assessment scores, AP scores, etc.
A VA Planner is not required for certificates. You can complete a planner, or do the following:
- Make a copy of the certificate requirements from the catalog (make sure it is from the student’s catalog right year).
- Mark courses completed by listing where and when taken (there may be very little space to do this so you might have to complete a VA Planner). For example:
- Accounting Certificate (catalog 2003-04)
- ACCT 301 — ARC FO2
- ACCT 311
- ECON 302 SCC FO3
- MGMT 372
- MGMT 304 Sierra S99
- Sign, print name, and date the catalog page.
- Attach all transcripts.
Common Mistakes
- Courses "in progress" are marked completed.
- Units are not totaled.
- Suggested Electives are listed.
- Completed Basic Skills courses are listed.
- Units for Area E is included in total (not required by veterans).
- Prerequisite/co-requisites/labs for major courses are not listed.
- VA planners are written and marked "tentative" until other college transcripts arrive. Do not write a planner if you do not have all transcripts.