Step 4: Day of Event
What to do on the day of the event, before and just after.
- Prior to event:
- Create agenda/timeline of events (including who will introduce or moderate)
- Confirm speakers/participants (include set-up/breakdown times, map, parking information)
- Designate guides for speakers/VIPs (if needed)
- Is room unlocked? If not, contact Operations during office hours at (916) 558-2543 and College Police after hours at (916) 558-2221.
- Check set-up of room/area
- Check catering
- A/V run through (check podium, computer, etc.)
- Dress rehearsal (if needed)
- Decorate (if needed)
- Place water for speakers
- Place programs, reserved signs, panelist tent cards
- Put out directional signage
- Put out photography release signage
- 15 minutes prior to event start:
- Make sure set-up is complete
- Have participants at appropriate stations and ready to go
- End of event:
- Collect remaining paperwork, lecture notes, programs, etc.
- Gather lost and found and take to College Police
- Take down directional signage/photography signage
- Take down any flyers/posters promoting event