Contact the SRC Team
This form is for you to tell us how you engage via the City Ways approach. You might ask for a consultation to see how what you do intersects with equity, you might want to discuss intentional team travel, or maybe you want to facilitate an event and want general guidance.
All About Professional Learning Form
This form has multiple purposes - you can evaluate a professional learning you've engage in, you can suggest ideas for enhancing our professional learning offerings, and you can yourself create an event where you facilitate a professional learning opportunity for others to experience.
Professional Learning Evaluation Form
Please complete this form to evaluate a professional learning opportunity that you engaged in.
Long-term Follow-up PL Form
Recall for us some of the more memorable aspects of what you learned. Describe how you incorporated that learning, in your capacity at SCC, into your interactions with students.
Follow-up for Conference Travel
In order to receive funds from CWT approved by the Staff Resource Center, you committed to a follow-up. We believe that conference travel is a pathway to build facilitators of professional learning at SCC. Those that are privileged to travel to learn new things can bring their gained knowledge back to benefit the entire SCC family.
Flex and Workshops/PD Week Forms
Essential forms for Professional Development (Flex) attendance reporting, evaluations, and proposals.
Flex Self-Assessment Tool
To determine whether an event you engaged in was a Flex event, you can use this self-assessment tool.
Professional Development Needs Assessment
This needs assessment is a survey to capture your perspective as a person who can benefit from a regular plan for your professional development.
Conferences, Workshops, and Travel Forms
Purchasing Professional Learning Materials Forms
Staff Development funds can also be used by SCC employees for reimbursement of the cost of learning materials used for professional development.
Workshop Evaluation Form (Anonymous)
Submit your anonymous evaluation of a professional development workshop or other event.
Faculty Flex Attendance Obligation Form
Faculty are required to report their Flex attendance and demonstrate they have satisfied their contractual obligation to engage in Flex. Please use this form and submit to your Division/College Service Area Office prior to the deadline date listed on the form.
Professional Learning Page
Professional Learning efforts at Sacramento City College help the college fulfill its mission, values, and commitment to social justice and equity.