The specific typefaces chosen to represent the brand put forth a visual voice and tone to convey key words and messages. Our brand typography establishes SCC's dignity and prestige in an approachable and modern way.
Primary Typefaces
All official Sacramento City College marketing materials must use either the Futura or Function Pro type families as the primary brand typefaces for headlines, subheads, and body copy. Futura and Function Pro are nearly identical.
Due to licensing, the Futura family is not officially available to all SCC faculty and staff. However, Function Pro is available to all SCC faculty and staff upon request from the PIO. Both families contain a variety of weights and oblique (italics) faces. In general no more than two or three different weights should be used within a particular design to create hierarchy and order of information.
Additionally, the Times family can be used as a complementary serif typeface for subheads and body copy. Times should not be used in headlines for official marketing materials. If Times is not available, a classic serif face such as Goudy or Clarendon is an acceptable replacement. However, only one serif family should be used within a particular design.
Oblique (italics) faces may be used for emphasizing words and secondary elements such as subheads, captions and pull quotes, but should not be used in headlines or titles.
Official SCC Typefaces

Type Treatments
Below are a few examples of how our brand typefaces may be used together and formatted to create strong visual hierarchy, contrast, and order.
Headline, subheadline, and body copy

Text with left-floated image

Pull quote text

Prohibited Typefaces
Below are some examples of common, and generally overused, typefaces and typographic styles that should NEVER be used in official SCC brand and marketing materials:

Additional Los Rios Branding
Check out branding resources for the other Los Rios colleges: