Web Directory Management Tool
Learn about the web directory tool and how to manage your employee information.
Los Rios and its college launched a new website directory management tool in April 2023.
Checklist to Update Your Employee Directory Information
Use following checklist to review and update your employee directory information.
Navigate to Web Directory Update Tool
Go to the Web Directory Update Tool (you will be required to log in via Okta to access the page).
Employees can also access it via the Employee Login drop-down on any employee-facing website or at hub.losrios.edu.
Review Name and Identification Information
Verify your name and identification information are correct.
If your name, pronouns, prefix, or suffix is incorrect or outdated, then you can update it in Employee Self-Service. If you have not yet established a preferred name in Employee Self-Service, then click the plus-sign (+) button above your primary name to create one.
It can take up to 48 hours for PeopleSoft changes to transfer to the Web Directory Update Tool.

Add a Profile Image
Add an image of yourself (or choose to use your Canvas image). This is optional.
Image Requirements
- Images for our online directory should include your full face, directly facing the camera.
- Do not submit a photo where your face is obscured, a photo of the side or back of your head, or artistic representations of yourself.
- Images should be high-resolution JPG files no larger than 2MB.
The web team reserves the right to remove your profile image if it does not meet these standards.

Review Biographical Information
Add biographical information (or choose to include your Canvas bio and links*). This is optional.
Make sure to click the "Save" button after you've made your changes.
* Canvas bio and links are only available to faculty.

Review Academic Information
Add academic information. This is optional.
Make sure to click the "Save" button after you've made your changes.

Review Job Roles
Review your primary and additional (if applicable) job roles. For each job role, you can update your title, email, phone number, department, sub-department, building, and/or room.
Make sure to click the "Save" button after you've made your changes.

Add and Reorder Job Roles
If you have an additional role that is not displaying, you can add it via the "Add a job role" link. Note that your primary job role must be displayed on the website. You can reorder your job roles if you'd prefer to display a different primary role.

Review Updates on Website
After you've updated your employee information, review how it displays on the website. To do this, scroll to the top of the Web Directory Update Tool and click the link that says, "View [Your Name]'s profile on website".

Need Help?
If you encounter issues while updating your information, then please submit a directory request via our Marketing and Website Support Request Form.
Features of the Directory Update Tool
Improved Website Experience
For students, employees, and community members using our websites, the directory interface:
- Allows employee information to be accessible across all our websites, rather than just on an employee's "home college" website.
- Displays multiple job roles (and related contact information) that an individual employee may fill.
Better Information Management
When it comes to managing directory information, our tool:
- Empowers employees to manage their own information, rather than having to submit requests through the web team.
- Provides more accurate information because it is connected to data sources such as PeopleSoft.
In the interest of providing exceptional customer service to our students and community, we ask that all permanent employees have directory information available on the website. If you have a compelling reason to be removed from the website directory (for example, you have an active restraining order against someone), then please submit a directory request through our Marketing and Website Support Request Form.
Yes, the new directory tool allows employees to choose what phone number and email to display for each job role in the web directory. You can add a new email or phone number by clicking the Add an email or Add a phone link within a job role.
Faculty members who are not easily accessible by phone can select "No phone – see syllabus" in lieu of listing a phone number.
No, employees are not required to include an image of themselves or biographical information in the web directory. Adding this information is optional.
Yes, if you have biographical information, links, or an image in Canvas, then you have the option to display that information in the website directory.
To use your Canvas image, navigate to the Image section on the Web Directory Update Tool, click Change, and select Use Canvas.
To include your Canvas bio and/or links, toggle the appropriate switch on in the Biographical and Academic Information section.
Our previous directory system was managed entirely manually – there was no connection to PeopleSoft or any other data source. To bridge the gap and begin relying on existing data sources for directory information, we had to start with a clean slate. As a result, custom updates that were made to your previous web directory information by the web team may not be reflected in the new web directory update tool.
We know this is inconvenient in the short term but will ultimately result in a more sustainable and data-driven web directory experience for all users.
Currently, the database that populates Outlook is not the same as that which populates the web directory. Changes to your job and contact information will need to be made in both places.
Your first name, middle name, last name, pronouns, prefix, and suffix are retrieved from Employee Self-Service. You can update what appears in the web directory by editing your preferred name in Employee Self-Service (or adding a preferred name profile, if you don't already have one). Otherwise, your primary name information will display.
We currently do not have a mechanism to include custom information beyond what is offered in the web directory update tool. As we receive feedback and our understanding of what information is helpful to end users increases, we will consider feature enhancements.