English Lounge
The English Lounge (RHS 329) is a dynamic and welcoming space designed to support students from all disciplines with their reading and writing assignments.
We invite instructors to encourage their students to visit us for personalized tutoring in reading and writing strategies, assistance with learning differences, or just a quiet place to study. T
he Lounge also offers a cozy environment where students can enjoy a warm cup of cocoa and a snack while connecting with peers.
Additionally, we provide support with Canvas or other technology issues and help students manage their class schedules.
Please direct your students to RHS 329 for comprehensive academic support and a friendly atmosphere.
Phone: (916) 558-2325
Phone: (916) 558-2232
Fall Hours
- Monday to Thursday:
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
ENGLB 55 is in-person for Fall 2023. Each section of ENGLB 55 is a support class for any college course that requires reading and writing assignments.
Rodda Hall South RHS-329
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822