The Program Review Workgroup recommends that a Program Review Committee be developed with the following structure, composition, and charge:
Committee Structure
- The Program Review Committee shall be a committee of the Academic Senate, and work closely with the Curriculum Committee.
- The purview of the Equity Subcommittee shall be to provide joint support to the Curriculum Committee and the Program Review Committee.
Committee Composition
Administrators (3)
- Associate Vice President of Instruction (co-chair)
- Associate Vice President of Workforce Development
- Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
- Co-chair
- 1 faculty member from each instructional division (10), including from Learning Resources and Counseling & Student Services
- Proposed requirement: completion of Teachers 4 Equity or other long-term equity professional training, such as the Skyline Equity Institute, CUE’s Student Equity Institute, Leading from the Middle, CVC-OEI courses on Humanizing Content, Equity, and Culturally Responsive Teaching, etc.
- Curriculum chair or designee
- Student Learning Coordinator
- Equity Subcommittee members (between 2-4)
- Counseling faculty (2)
- Curriculum specialist
- PRIE research analyst
Committee Charge
The Program Review Committee is charged with the following:
- Communicating Program Review processes and their outcomes to the college;
- Maintaining the Program Review website, and ensuring that forms, reports, deadlines, and other information are posted and kept up to date;
- Ensuring that Program Review processes are inclusive, effective, and transparent, and that processes are student-centered and grounded in equity;
- Developing, providing, and evaluating training for committee members and department chairs undergoing Program Review;
- Mentoring Program Review writers through the report-writing process;
- Reviewing Program Review reports and presentations and providing feedback to writers;
- Making recommendations to the Academic Senate for improvements to Program Review forms and processes;
- Working collaboratively with administration, appropriate committees, and other college constituencies on the integration of program review into planning and resource allocation processes.
Approved by the Academic Senate on 11/24/2020.