Classified Senate
The SCC Classified Senate facilitates the participation of classified professionals in the participatory governance process.
Kevin Williams
Carmen Hirkala
Vice President
Christine DeCamp
Evelyn Retter
Robert Kelly
Past President
Area 1: Business Services Office; City Cafe; EOPS/CalWorks; FYE/HSI/Caminos & Outreach; Financial Aid
Cristina Perez
Area 2: Custodial Services; Maintenance; Operations; Receiving; Reprographics
Nicole Williams
Area 3: Admissions and Records; Connection and Onboarding; WorkAbility; RISE; Assessment Center; Veterans Resource Center, Intervention/Panther Cares/ Basic Needs
Area 4: Counseling; Career Services; Retention and Persistence; Health Services; International Student Center; Transfer Center; Work Experience and Internship Program
Luz Vazquez
Area 5: Davis Center; West Sacramento Center; Los Rios Police Department
Lizzy Edwards
Area 6:Behavioral and Social Sciences; Engagement and Completion; Student Leadership and Development; Language Arts and Library; Kinesiology, Health and Athletics
Vhonn Encarnacion
Area 7: Technology and Innovation; Humanities and Fine Arts; Career Services
Monica Souza
Area 8: Natural Sciences; Math, Statistics & Engineering; Education and Health Professions
Stephanie Cortez
Area 9: Business/CIS & Distance Learning; Tutorial Services; Staff Resource Center; AVP Enrollment and Student Services; Information Technology; DSPS
Area 10: Office of Philanthropy; VP of Student Services; VP of Administrative Services; VP of Instruction; Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness; President's Office; Public Information Office
We, the members of the Classified Senate of Sacramento City College, in cooperation with faculty and administrators, provide students with the support needed to achieve an excellent educational experience. Sacramento City College is an egalitarian institution committed to the principle that “higher education will be available to every person who can benefit.” Our purpose is to assist directly or indirectly with the needs of students and be sensitive to creating an environment conducive to this objective.
To reach this goal, the following Code of Ethics has been adopted by the Classified Senate on behalf of all classified staff. We are guided by the maxim: SERVICE, PRIDE, PROFESSIONALISM.
- Devote time, thought and study to duties and responsibilities so that, as a Sacramento City College employee, we may render effective and credible service.
- Base our decisions upon all available facts in each situation; vote our honest conviction in every case, unswayed by biases of any kind; abide by and uphold the majority decision of the Senate.
- Welcome and encourage the active cooperation of the students, staff, faculty, administrators, and public with respect to establishing policy on current and future college operations.
- Provide equal treatment and respect to all college community members and take pride in extending our professional expertise within our designated field to the college community.
- Recognize that unwelcome attention toward any member of the campus community is not permissible and shall not be condoned.
- Encourage involvement in the college community by participating in campus committees, activities, and other affiliations.
- Maintain integrity in all aspects of service.
- Promote an exchange of information and communication with employee organizations, Associated Students, Academic Senate and administration.
- Promote the institution’s mission of Working Together, Pursuing Excellence, and Inspiring Achievement.
Classified Senate Constitution
Section 1. The organization shall be known as the Sacramento City College Classified Senate, hereinafter referred to as the Classified Senate or Senate
Section 1. The Classified Senate is necessary to the campus community as a representative body comprised of classified staff. This will provide classified employees and the campus community with a formal organization to maintain communication and representation in the on-going development and implementation of state, district, college, and community programs, projects, goals, and planning. This body shall represent itself to the campus community and administration. Recommendations of the classified staff shall steer this representation and exchange with other groups.
Section 1. To provide Classified staff with a formal structure and effective procedure for participation in state, district, and campus governance, including the formation of campus goals, objectives, and policies.
Section 2. To provide Classified staff the opportunity to serve on all governance, college and statewide standing committees.
Section 3. To promote communication, understanding, and mutual support among the Classified staff.
Section 4. To provide a centralized means of communication between Classified staff and the rest of the college community, including but not limited to administrators, faculty, students, and the Board of Trustees.
Section 5. To articulate the professionalism of the Classified staff so that we are properly recognized and valued.
Section 6. To promote awareness and appreciation of the cultural and demographic diversity of the college’s staff and students.
Section 1. The primary responsibility of the Classified Senate is to act as the formal representative voice and body of the Classified staff at Sacramento City College, with the power to make recommendations to the college and district administration on all issues and activities pertaining to Classified staff not covered by their collective bargaining units and on all recommendations made to the Executive Council through the campus governance process.
Section 2. The Classified Senate may assume such responsibilities and perform such functions as may be requested of it by Sacramento City College Classified staff, with the exception of those responsibilities and functions covered by their collective bargaining units.
Section 3. The Senate shall communicate its recommendations and positions on campus issues to all Classified staff in order to keep its members informed of its actions and current issues of interest to the campus community.
Section 4. The Senate shall make all classified staff appointments to all state, district and campus standing committees, ad-hoc committees, task forces, and councils dealing with governance, planning, and policies. The Senate shall determine selection and other procedures as necessary to accomplish this responsibility.
Section 5. The Senate may request funds from the college as needed to carry out its purposes. The Senate may also raise funds for special events and activities.
Section 1. The Classified Senate shall be comprised of all non-management classified employees at Sacramento City College who fill permanent blue collar, white collar, confidential, and non-management supervisory classified positions.
Section 2. Although temporary classified employees at Sacramento City College shall not be considered voting members of the Classified Senate, they are encouraged to bring topics of concern to the Senate at any time.
Section 1. The Classified Senate shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote for a term of one year which shall commence on July 1st and end on June 30th. Election shall be by secret ballot of all Senate members during April of each year beginning in 1994. (A special provision was made for officers elected in December 1992 to hold offices for an eighteen month Period beginning in January 1993 and ending June 30, 1994.)
Section 2. The Senate President shall prepare agenda and preside at all general and special meetings of the Senate; serve as an ex-officio member of all Senate Committees; serve as a voting member of the Sacramento City College Executive Council; shall serve on or appoint designee to the Shared Governance Council; arid publicly represent and express the Senate’s position on issues and recommendations relating to campus governance.
Section 3. The Senate Vice-President shall serve in the Senate President’s absence when necessary; shall assume other duties designated by the President, including, but not limited to, serving as the chair of special ad-hoc committees or task forces.
Section 4. The Senate Secretary shall take the minutes of Senate meetings; be responsible for distributing meeting announcements, agenda, and minutes to the membership; and keep the minutes, reports, and records of all proceedings of the Senate and its committees and task forces.
Section 5. The Senate Treasurer shall oversee any fundraising activities or other financial operations of the Senate; maintain budget records; and make financial reports to the Senate in a timely manner. At the end of each fiscal year, the treasurer will make an annual report, to be reviewed by two Classified Senate members (excluding Executive Officers) selected by a quorum vote of the Executive Committee.
Section 6. Area representatives shall attend regular Senate Executive Committee meetings; hold informational meetings for their constituencies at least once each semester; be responsible for polling their constituencies on items designated by the Executive Committee; report to the Executive Committee on matters from their segment which are part of the Classified Senate’s concern; post minutes of Executive Committee meetings; perform other duties as required by their office; and designate an alternate from their area to attend Executive Committee meetings when they are unable to attend.
Section 1. The executive and legislative power of the Classified Senate shall be vested in an Executive Committee which is composed as follows (the term “chair”, wherever used herein, will be taken to mean chairperson): The president, vice president, secretary and treasurer; the appointed chairs of the Classified Senate committees; one representative (or an alternate) from each area as defined in the Bylaws; the past president of the Classified Senate, ex-officio; and non-voting representative of the temporary classified staff.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall be a standing committee of the Classified Senate to receive and solicit names of candidates to be, chosen as officers and shall supervise the election of those candidates. Nominations shall be by written petition and nominees shall accept in writing.
Section 3. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be a standing committee of the Classified Senate to make timely reports and recommendations to the Senate on Bylaws for conducting Senate meetings and activities and amendments to the Constitution and shall receive all proposals from the membership for amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 4. The Classified Senate shall establish additional standing and ad-hoc committees and task forces as necessary to develop and implement its policies and procedures.
Section 5. The President of the Classified Senate, with the advise and consent of the members, may establish ad-hoc committees for special purposes. Such ad-hoc committees shall be of short duration.
Section 6. The Classified Senate shall nominate and elect a delegate to the California Community College Statewide Classified Senate. In addition, the Senate shall, upon request by a statewide organization, appoint a classified member to positions it deems appropriate and necessary. The Senate shall decide which statewide committee vacancies require an appointment or election procedure.
Section 1. Meetings of the Classified Senate shall be conducted according to the parliamentary procedures outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. The Classified Senate shall meet a minimum of once a month during the year at times most convenient for Classified staff. Special meetings may be held as needed, with a minimum of seven (7) calendar days notice.
Section 3. Official meetings of the Classified Senate shall consist of a quorum which shall be defined as at least seven (7) members of the Senate.
Section 4. Official minutes, agenda and announcements of meetings shall be publicly posted and distributed to all Classified staff, the Presidents of the Faculty Senate and the Associated Students, and the President of the college.
Section 1. Bylaws consistent with and necessary to implement the Articles of this constitution may be adopted or amended by a simple majority vote of the Senate membership in attendance at general meetings of the Senate.
Section 2. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall make recommendations to the Senate on needed additions or amendments to the bylaws on at least an annual basis.
Section 3. Any member of the Classified Senate may also propose additions or amendments to the bylaws at general meetings of the Senate.
Section 1. This Constitution shall become effective and the Classified Senate established by a simple majority of the permanent Classified staff at Sacramento City College who vote in a specially called ratification election.
Section 2. The Constitution can be amended by two-thirds of the Classified Senate membership who vote in specially called elections (which may coincide with elections for officers).
Section 3. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall make recommendations to the Senate on any needed amendments to the Constitution on at least an annual basis. All Senate members may also propose amendments to the Constitution by submitting the proposed amendments in written form to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, which shall include them in its reports to die Senate.
Section 4. If any portion of this Constitution is found to be in violation of local, state, or federal laws, it will be the responsibility of the Senate to amend that portion to attain compliance rather than to declare void the Constitution. The Senate shall use the amendment procedures in this Article to carry out this responsibility.
Classified Senate Bylaws
Section 1. Elections for officers and the Statewide Classified Senate delegate shall be conducted during April of each school year by the Nominating Committee.
Candidates for the Statewide Classified Senate delegate shall be limited to present or past officers/area representatives.
Section 2. Election to a Classified Senate office or Statewide Classified Senate delegate seat shall be by a simple majority. If no candidate receives a simple majority of the votes cast, a special election shall be held to decide between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for that office or seat. This special election shall be held within ten working days after its announcement to the Senate.
Section 3. Officers of the Senate shall be eligible for re‑election. However, no officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 4. Each designated area will elect/appoint their representatives/alternates based on volunteers. Each area will have one representative and one alternate who will serve two‑year terms. (A special provision for the 1994‑1995 academic year will be to have the representative serve a two‑year term and the alternate serve a one‑ year term. After 1995, the alternate’s term will be two years in order to provide for overlapping terms.) Each area is allotted only one vote, to be cast by either representative or alternate from that area.
Section 5. Vacancies.
The President or Vice‑President may declare a vacancy when a Classified Senate officer or Statewide Classified Senate delegate has been absent and/or the position has been vacant for more than three consecutive meetings (except June, July, August).
When an executive officer or Statewide Classified Senate delegate vacancy is declared, it shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Committee.
When an area representative vacancy is declared, the Executive Committee shall take timely steps as necessary to fill the vacant seat by appointment until term of office expires.
Revised ‑‑ (December 1991; April 1994)