A brief introduction to the planning cycle at Sacramento City College.
The Strategic Master Plan
SCC's Strategic Master Plan is at the center of planning at SCC.
The Strategic Master Plan guides all planning at the college to reflect the college's vision, mission, and values.
It coordinates the goals, strategies, targets, and indicators at the college, as well as the allocation of resources.
The Strategic Master Plan is updated every 5 years.
The feedback from evaluating programs, services, and operational areas aid the revision of the Strategic Master Plan.
Planning is a continuous process that evolves to support students, employees, and college functions through educational, political, economic, and social changes.
Goal # | Goal |
One | Optimize student access, progress, momentum, and success. |
Two | Ensure equitable academic achievement across all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups. |
Three | Provide exemplary teaching and learning opportunities. |
Four | Provide exemplary workforce and career technical education programs that reflect the needs of the region we serve. |
Five | Foster an outstanding working and learning environment. |
Six | Create and promote a culture of environmental stewardship and sustainability at the college. |
College Service Area Plans
College Service Area Plans describe planning in the three main service areas of the college:
Instructional Services Plan
Describes in coordination with the Strategic Master Plan:
- the instructional functions of the college
- an overview of planning goals in academic areas
Student Services Plan
Describes in coordination with the Strategic Master Plan:
- the student services functions of the college
- an overview of planning goals in student services areas
Administrative Services Plan
Describes in coordination with the Strategic Master Plan:
- the administrative services functions of the college
- an overview of planning goals in administrative services areas
Institutional & Cross-Divisional Program Plans
Institutional and Cross-Divisional Program Plans are college-wide plans that break down the Strategic Master Plan and college mission into smaller, actionable plans. These plans highlight specific tactics to meet the goals of the college’s Strategic Master Plan. They are diverse but span the entire college.
The timeline of each plan varies based on funding sources and the revision cycle of the Strategic Master Plan, which will support changes in goals, targets, indicators, and strategies.
- Program Plans
- Student Equity & Achievement/SEAP
- Guided Pathways
- Strong Workforce Program
- Strategic Enrollment Management
- Facilities Resource Plan
- Financial Resource Plan
- Classified Staff Resource Plan
- Information Technology Resource Plan
- Distance Education & Academic Technology
- Tutoring
Program Review
Program review is a process of evaluating programs and services across the college. Program review documents typically involve a multi-year review (retrospective looks at data) and planning (development of goals and objectives, resources needed to fulfill goals and objectives) for the upcoming cycle.
Instructional Program Review
Requires a comprehensive evaluation, review, and curricular revision of instructional programs. Takes place on a six-year cycle with goal check-ins.
Student Services Program Review
Reports and evaluates student learning outcomes (SLOs) and service area outcomes (SAOs) on a three-year cycle. Information includes anticipated resource needs.
Administrative Program Review
Reports and evaluates outcomes and goals of administrative services at the college. Report includes anticipated resource needs. Timeframe to be determined.
Unit Plans & Resource Requests
Unit plans and resource requests are designed to support new initiatives or ongoing work. Resources include financial, facilities, IT, instructional, and classified and faculty hiring.
The Unit Planning process is designed to plan for the “next year,” building from planning objectives to the resources needed to fulfill objectives. Objectives are created by deans in collaboration with departments and service areas and can include annual or multi-year objectives. Facilities projects, modifications, or IT projects outside the scope of unit planning go through a Facilities Modification Form and are reviewed twice a year.
Unit Plans & Resource Requests (password required)
Funding to support college planning, initiatives, and objectives comes from several sources which include continuous, multi-year, and one-time dollars.
CCCCO & State Funding
- Guided Pathways
- Strong Workforce
- Perkins
- Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP)
- General funding
Grant Funding
Grants include one-time or renewable funds oriented toward specific activities and outcomes. While not college-wide funding, grants should support college goals.
Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE)
The PRIE Office:
- assists with planning processes
- tracks and posts planning documents
- provides training on the use of data for planning.
- supports college-wide planning through facilitating dialogue
- works with the college in the production of unit plans, program plans, and program review, and in college strategic planning
For More Information
PRIE Office
The PRIE Office assists with planning processes, tracks and posts planning documents, and provides training on the use of data for planning.
Links to various college plans such as Strategic Master Plan, Educational Master Plan, Institutional Plans, Cross-Divisional Program Plans, Unit Plans, and Facilities Master Plan.
Planning Handbook (PDF)
A guide to planning at all District, College, and Program levels.
Program Review
Program Reviews are reviews of college programs conducted on a multi-year basis and may be viewed while connected to the local SCC intranet.
2024-2025 Planning Calendar (Google Sheet)
A master calendar of activities and responsible people/groups, listed by month.