I. Introduction
- Overview of program
- Description of program goals
- Summary of significant developments
- Review of action plan from previous cycle
II. Student focus
Data review
- Enrollment data, aggregated and disaggregated (include # of declared majors, WSCH, productivity)
- Learning data (Course SLO and ProLO assessment)
- Describe the overall results of course SLO and ProLO assessment since the last program review. Identify strengths and areas needing improvement.
- Update the program’s multi-year SLO reporting plan (to be embedded within the Program Review portal).
- Success data, aggregated and disaggregated
- Completion data, aggregated and disaggregated
- Student voices/student satisfaction data
Data sources
- Program Review data dashboard (accessible only to Department Chairs)
- Department-level data Dashboard (requires login)
- Individual faculty data dashboard (requires login)
- Degree and certificate data Dashboard (requires login)
- SLO reports
Reflection questions
- What successes are you seeing in the data? What is your department doing well?
- What challenges were revealed after reviewing the data? What areas of improvement has the department identified?
- Where are the largest equity gaps in your program? Which groups are most impacted? Where in the educational pathway are the largest gaps (enrollment, retention/drop rates, success, transfer)?
- How does your department gather feedback from students about their experiences in your program? Please summarize this feedback, identifying strengths and areas of improvement.
- What steps will your department need to take to address equity gaps and improve success rates in your program? Focus on evidence-based approaches, and think about factors that are within your control (curriculum, methods of classroom instruction, engagement with students, etc.), rather than external factors that you can’t control.
III. Faculty focus
Data review
- Overview of the demographics of the faculty in your program (full-time tenured/full-time tenure-track/adjunct faculty status, ethnicity, gender, other demographic information if applicable)
- List and brief description of professional activities (professional development, grants, reassigned time, special projects, etc.) full-time and adjunct faculty have engaged in
- List of classified professionals (IAs, lab techs, administrative support, etc.) and brief description of their roles and responsibilities
Reflection questions
- Do the faculty demographics in your department reflect the student population we serve? If not, what steps will you need to take in order to diversify faculty in your area?
- How have professional activities contributed to improvements in equity and student success in your program and at the college?
- How have faculty engaged with student services and learning support services to ensure that students in your program are getting what they need in order to be successful?
- What professional development activities are needed in order to make improvements in equity and student success? Focus on both full-time and adjunct faculty needs.
- How are support staff contributing to student success and equity in your area?
- How does the division Dean support your efforts to reduce equity gaps and improve student success and retention? How could your Dean be more supportive?
IV. Community focus
Data review
- College engagement: Identify how faculty in your area have been engaged in college-wide efforts. These can include the following:
- College-wide equity and success efforts
- Participatory governance processes (college and district)
- Committee participation (college and district)
- Other college service opportunities
- Community engagement: Identify how faculty in your area have engaged with our local community, particularly with historically marginalized and racially minoritized groups. These can include the following:
- High school connections
- Outreach efforts
- Community advisory boards
- Community partnerships
- External considerations
- Certifications, licensing, accreditation
- Labor market needs in the Sacramento region
- Regional employment data and job placement data (aggregated and disaggregated, if possible)
Data sources
- Regional and subject-specific labor market data
- CTE program completion, job placement, and wage data
- Perkins Core Indicator data
Reflection questions
- How engaged are your department faculty in college-wide efforts? Is your department well-represented in participatory governance and committee processes? Discuss strengths as well as potential for improvement or change.
- How do the college service opportunities your department faculty participate in advance equity and success for students? Are these college service opportunities maximizing the impact faculty could have on student equity and success?
- How engaged are your department faculty at the local, city, and statewide level?
- How effective have your community engagement efforts been, particularly with historically marginalized and racially minoritized groups?
- How well is your program meeting labor market needs in the Sacramento region? Are there emerging needs that aren’t currently being met by our CTE programs?
- Once our students complete the program, are they becoming successfully employed and earning a living wage, or transferring to a four-year institution? Is your program contributing to economic mobility for our students, particularly for students from historically marginalized and racially minoritized groups?
V. Curriculum and Scheduling
Data review
- Program curriculum
- Program learning outcomes
- Program maps
- Curricular issues (e.g., articulation, prerequisites, alignment across district, distance education, courses not offered or no longer needed, new courses needed)
- Scheduling
- Innovations since previous review
- Curriculum revision – both courses and programs
Reflection questions
- Based on findings from this report, what curricular changes need to be made?
- How will equity inform these changes? Be sure to focus on various elements of the course outlines of record, including SLOs, instructional materials, instructional methods, course topics, etc.
- For CTE programs: Have prerequisites and corequisites for courses and programs been reviewed in the last 2 years? (Title 5, section 55003) Discuss how these prerequisites and corequisites prepare students for your courses and programs and contribute to student equity and success.
VI. Resources
Please identify what resources you need in order to provide high-quality education, reduce equity gaps, increase student success, and meet the needs of our community.
- Long-term staffing needs:
- Full-time faculty staffing
- Adjunct faculty staffing
- Classified staffing
- Resource needs - Cross-divisional program plans:
- Professional development
- IT
- Learning resources
- Distance education
- Marketing/public relations
- Support services (tutoring and writing center)
- Program/department budget (adequate? Needs augmentation?)
Reflection questions
- Please describe how these resources will help you achieve the following goals:
- providing high-quality education;
- reducing equity gaps;
- increasing student success; and
- meeting the needs of our community.
VII. Summary
- Using an equity-based perspective, describe the progress made in your program since the last comprehensive review.
- Strengths
- Challenges (action plan should connect to these items)
VIII. Action plan
Identify 2-3 program goals and objectives that will help your department offer high-quality educational programs, close equity gaps, and achieve higher student success and retention outcomes.
- Goal:
- Objective:
- Faculty lead:
- Timeframe:
- Resource implications:
- Outcome:
- Objective:
- Faculty lead:
- Timeframe:
- Resource implications:
- Outcome:
- Objective:
- Goal:
- Objective:
- Faculty lead:
- Timeframe:
- Resource implications:
- Outcome:
- Objective:
- Faculty lead:
- Timeframe:
- Resource implications:
- Outcome:
- Objective:
Approved by the Academic Senate on 11/24/2020.