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Staff Resource Center (Professional Learning Lab)

Home Professional Learning Staff Resource Center (Professional Learning Lab)

Professional Learning at SCC occurs throughout the year, with heavy concentrations of PD events held the week before the Spring and Fall semesters begin in what we call Professional Learning & Development Week (PD Week, also known as Flex Week).

The  Staff Resource Center (Professional Learning Lab) at SCC coordinates many of the professional learning opportunities on campus. It is led by one or more faculty release coordinators and a classified professional coordinator assistant, is supported by temporary classified professional(s), and enjoys the leadership of the AVPESS for oversight.

Meeting Your Professional Learning Goals

Faculty are required to have a certain number of hours of professional learning each year by contract. This is known as the Flex obligation. In strong alignment with AB2558, we believe that everyone should benefit from professional learning for personal and professional growth and that all can enjoy our events, whether they qualify for Flex Credit or not. 

As an SCC employee, you can accomplish your professional learning goals by regularly engaging in PD with your colleagues. Often you may find yourself enjoying professional learning outside of Los Rios, either through travel to conferences or seminars, webinars from outside organizations devoted to antiracism, community courses or events, or elsewhere.

Professional Learning Categories

There are five main categories of professional learning, although many professional learning opportunities may intersect multiple categories:

You can also influence your professional learning and the learning of others by suggesting opportunities that we may provide that will make our offerings more holistic, or by yourself facilitating a professional learning opportunity for others from the knowledge and experience you’ve gained in your own journey.

The Staff Resource Center coordinates professional learning opportunities often in conjunction with affinity groups such as the Cultural Engagement Centers. Affinity groups and centers will also offer their own professional learning opportunities. All of these are reflected in the Calendar of Events.  Those events in the calendar that are approved for Flex Credit are highlighted as such.

SRC Newsletter

The SRC has a biweekly newsletter. 

  • For some, that will show up in your "Other" folder in Outlook. You can direct this into your focused inbox by following Instructions on Directing Emails.
  • If you ever want a professional learning opportunity considered as an addition to the newsletter, please use our handy SRC Feedback Form.
    • Requests for additions must be made at least 5-7 business days before the newsletter is set to release (generally near the 1st and 15th of every month).
    • Requests will be reviewed and shared as space allows.

In This Site

Flex & Flex/PD Week

Flex & Flex/PD Week

Flex refers to the obligation that faculty have for professional learning. Learn about Flex events and how to record your Flex obligations. Note: only faculty must report their Flex.

Flex & Flex/PD Week

Meeting Your Needs

Meeting Your Needs

A portal for you to evaluate a professional learning opportunity; provide insight about a future event, a website recommendation, an idea about Convocation; and more.

Meeting Your Needs

Planning an Event

Planning an Event

Follow these steps when creating your own event.

Planning an Event



Convocation happens twice a year, and we can always use help!


Equity in Professional Learning

Equity in Professional Learning

We believe that equity should be at the core of all professional learning at SCC.

Equity in Professional Learning



Information on the sabbatical process, including forms you need to fill out.




Monday to Friday:
8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Learning Resource Center, LRC 106
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822

SRC Team

  • Associate Vice President of Equity and Student Services: John Dixon
  • Staff Resource Center Faculty Coordinator,
    Professor of Education Studies, and First Year Seminar Cohort: Norman Lorenz
    Phone: (916) 287-7039
  • Staff Resource Center Classified Coordinator (Assistant),
    Caring Campus Lead: Carmen Hirkala
    Phone: (916) 558-2249
  • Classified Temporary Assistant: TBA

Equity Consultant to the SRC

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