How to Complete the Travel Authorization Form
Note: Please do not attach the student forms to the Travel Authorization (TA), but do certainly send them in the email with the TA. The rest of the instructions in this video are correct.
It is important to start the conversation early when you locate a conference or outside seminar to attend. The Staff Resource Center helps administer $500 for travel to all SCC employees and $1000 via the LRCEA for classified professionals, but conferences can vary in cost when you include travel, conference fees, lodging, food and incidentals. If you would like to have your full travel reimbursed, any monies over the $500 need to be located and your Dean or Supervisor can help, as they are aware of funds for your area and that exist outside of your area (such as Strong Workforce, HSI Dual Enrollment and SEAP).
Each fund has requirements: SEAP funds require that the professional learning is focused on underrepresented students, for example. For more details on categorical funding programs currently available and how these pertain to your subjects of interest, during FLEX week look for professional learning opportunities from the various fund coordinators where they discuss the funds and how your work may align with the charge attached to those grant funds.
The conversation for a trip should happen at least 8-10 weeks prior to travel!
Travel forms must be submitted:
- In-state travel (or neighboring states): at least six weeks prior to your travel date
- Out-of-state, or student travel: at least eight weeks prior to your travel date
- Seeking a cash advance or registration pre-payment: at least eight weeks prior to the travel date
Once funding is secured if needed above the CWT funds, you can start planning. Important is a justification for your travel because it goes on two of the forms you'll need to fill out.
Include some guidelines for conferences such as supporting underrepresented students, and include City Ways, Mission, Vision, Values (MVV), and Strategic Goals. Align the travel you take with those essential foundational elements of SCC.
Here are some essential travel elements to plan along with some details:
- Conference fees and outline. It is important to also capture the conference outline or schedule/itinerary as an attachment for your travel claim.
- Travel to the conference. This could involve one or more of:
- Airfare: select the lowest rate such as Wanna Get Away via Southwest.
- Renting a car: If travel involves renting a car, you'll need to fill in an additional form to be an authorized driver (see 3e below). The rented vehicle is considered a District vehicle during the rental period.
- Transport to and from an airport to a hotel or SCC to the airport.
- Mileage for vehicle travel is reimbursed at a certain level. For example, if you're driving to the airport in your own vehicle, you should map out the mileage from SCC to the airport via a map application and save the mileage for your calculator and attach it to the Travel reimbursement claim. If you're driving more than 100 miles to a destination, the cost of flying may be the maximum reimbursement for that component of your travel. The Business Service Office will follow up by requesting additional information if your travel falls into this category.
- Parking of your car or a rental car at the airport or elsewhere.
- Using ride-share services. There are limitations to reimbursement of this type so please check in with your Division office and the Business Service Office for questions on this type of expenditure.
- Lodging, if overnight stay is required.
- You are eligible to get reimbursed for the night before a conference/workshop if you cannot leave home by 7 am the next day to arrive at the conference/workshop site by the starting time
- You are eligible to get reimbursed for lodging the night on the day the conference ends if you cannot return home by 7 pm from the conference/workshop site following the ending time.
- Meals: Reimbursement of meals is based on the formula found in the Los Rios Administrative Regulation 8341 at a total of $56/day for breakfast and lunch. and dinner. Please note that continental breakfast is considered a meal, so on days when a conference supplies a continental breakfast, you cannot request the breakfast reimbursement.
- Incidentals: you may claim $5 every 24 hours.
Sometimes we like to extend our stay past a conference to enjoy a particular site. If you are extending your stay, ensure that the cost of your flight (and lodging) is not more than it would be traveling without extending the stay.
There are forms every person should fill in (3a through 3c below), and then additional forms if your travel involves students, such as via field trips. Please be sure to fill out the forms completely.
Step 3a: Conference, Workshop and Travel (CWT) Fund Application
Conference, Workshop and Travel (CWT) Fund applications that allows reimbursement for the $500 and/or $1000 amounts (LRCEA-Classified Professionals only). When you fill in the justification, we suggest you communicate how your travel request is tied to and supports Campus Strategic Goals and the Vision for Success from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.
Conference, Workshop and Travel (CWT) Fund Application (PDF)
Step 3b: Travel Justification Memo
The Travel Justification Memo repeats some of the information on the CWT form. In this form it is important to include a justification for your travel.
Travel Justification Memo (PDF)
Step 3c: Travel Reimbursement Form
The main form involved in travel is the Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Claim Form. To fill in this form, aspects of the travel must be booked, such as travel, hotel, conference fees, mileage for transportation to and from the event or hotel (or SCC to airport, airport to hotel, etc.). You should keep pdf copies of all receipts and proof of registration to submit with the form. Fill out the left side (Part I) of this form in order to identify your expected costs and receive approval from your supervisor, the college service area, and any other areas where funds are being requested from (SEAP, Strong Workforce, CWT funds). Part II of this form may be used to request a pre-payment of a registration for the workshop or conference you plan to attend, but requires a longer time scale for processing-at least 8 weeks.
This form is submitted with the two forms above, typically as the front page of your combined TA packet, along with all supporting documents. Once you return from travel, you'll need to fill in the right side of the form (Part III) with actual costs incurred with itemized receipts. You have three days after completion of travel to return this information and Part III to your immediate supervisor/dean for signatures and submittal to the Business Services Office (BSO).
Travel Reimbursement Form (PDF)
Step 3d: When students are also traveling, additional forms are needed
The Forms required when students are traveling are below. You'll need to download and fill out all of these fillable forms that apply, along with the TA packet forms. Please allow for at least 8 weeks for paperwork to go through this process, and be sure to communicate with Student Leadership and Development for travel for clubs, and Operations for use of district vehicles. Use of district vehicles can take significantly more lead time, and includes LRCCD District driver's training and a DMV check, so please allow for extended planning time.
Forms for Traveling with Students
The above additional forms are attached to the lead employee attending's TA packet. To use per diem, students must sign that they have received the cash from their faculty/staff travel leader at the beginning of the trip. TA packets for the lead employee must be approved by their division office, may be sent to Student Leadership or other entities for funding approval, and approved by the Vice President of Student Services before making its way to the Business Service Offices.
Please do not attach the student forms to the Travel Authorization (TA), but do certainly send them in the email with the TA.
Step 3e: If you are renting a car
You will need a couple more forms and an item to complete. First, read through How to Become an Authorized Driver. That will point to the Keenan SafeCollege Training you can take (for Suburbans, sedans, or light pick-up trucks, complete online Defensive Driving training, and for passenger or cargo vans, complete online Van Safety training, both through Keenan SafeColleges.
Complete the Employee DMV Driver Record Release Form to become an authorized driver. Continue to follow the Los Rios instructions to make sure your name is added to the authorized driver's list before travel.
Submit to Division Office
Email the three completed PDF forms (or others if traveling with students), along with all supporting documents, to your division office or direct report for approval.
Combine PDF Files Into One
It is more convenient if you can bundle the forms into a single .pdf so there are less attachments to open. One simple way to do this is to save all the files in a named folder on your storage device. In your file explorer app highlight all the files you want to combine, click with the mouse to activate the pop-up menu, and look for "Combine files in Acrobat..."
Please see Processing a Travel Authorization at the bottom of this page for directions on the order of combined documents and be sure to communicate with your Division Office about how they would prefer that you turn in your packet materials to them for further processing.
Flow Chart
Review this authorization flow chart for a visual map of the Travel Authorization (TA) packet process.
After you submit your completed packet to the Division Office, they will review it and forward the Travel Authorization (TA) packet to the appropriate College Service Area (Vice President's Office), after your division dean or supervisor provides their signature for approval.
The college service area will then provide their approval signature and forward the approval email with completed forms and supporting documents to the Staff Resource Center (they will approve the CWT funds only) and any other fund managers that will help with reimbursement, if any.
The Staff Resource Center will forward the approved and completed TA packet to the Business Service Office (BSO) for processing if there are no other funds being requested, otherwise TA packets will be returned back to the College Service Area for Vice President approval and moved forward to the BSO.
BSO will follow up with you after the travel with post-event instructions, but you should plan on submitting the reimbursement claim with all supporting documents within 3 days after you return.
Upon returning from travel, if you are requesting reimbursement of expenses outlined in Part I of your Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Claim Form. Collect all your itemized original receipts from your travels and complete Part III Request for Reimbursement of the Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Claim Form within three days of your return. Please see the Travel section under Business Services for more information, including a FAQ.
Flow Chart
Review this authorization flow chart for information regarding the reimbursement process.
Sharing the Learning
Bring your gained knowledge back to the SCC community by offering resources- perhaps by facilitating a professional learning opportunity for others.
Follow-up for Conference Travel
Conference, Workshop and Travel (CWT) Funds
If CWT funds were used for your travel, fill out the "Conference, Workshop and Travel After Activity Report." This is now a web form and your answers once submitted will automatically be sent to the Staff Resource Center. This important document allows us to optimize the travel process, to discover meaningful opportunities to share with others, and your feedback is most appreciated!
Processing a Travel Authorization
The roles and responsibilities at each level of authorization.
*Be sure to have "approval" in the body of the email chain from each area that it travels to for funding and signatures as this will be treated as a "wet signature" by the district area reviewing the packet.
- Review packet forms for completion and accuracy
- Complete = form is filled out correctly, readable and editable, and all dollar amounts under the TA are reflected by the appropriate supporting documentation
- Compile supporting travel forms as a combined PDF in the following order:
- Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Claim
- Travel Justification Memo
- CWT Form as this pertains to funding
- All supporting documents in the order they appear on the Travel Auth Form (transportation, lodging, registration, meals, other, incidental expenses)
- Send the approved* TA packet forward to the College Service Area or Categorical Grant Area if those funds apply for their budget strings/approvals
- Review TA packet, approve, and add correct budget string as needed to TA Claim Form
- Forward "Approved"* packet with full approval email chain to for Business Service Office or to CSA for further processing depending on circumstances
- Review combined TA packet, sign/add name and approve, and add correct budget strings as needed to TA Claim Form
- Forward approved TA packet (with "Approve"* in the email body from your area) to Staff Resource Center with CWT Form filled out if CWT funds are being requested. If CWT funds are not being requested, forward "Approved" combined TA packet with full approval email chain to
Need anything else?
Do you need additional assistance? If so, the Business Service Office (BSO) provides more guidance on useful and important topics and forms.
The back of the Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Claim Form (second page) also has very helpful and important details to be aware of so please refer to it when making decisions about your travel plans and during your form submission process.
It is important to offer plenty of lead time for paperwork to go through the system, as all areas involved with the approval and reimbursement process for travel handle many important campus processes and are balancing complex workloads.