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If Your Student Is in Crisis

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Early Alert FAQ

Early Alert Topics and Definitions

Grade Concern

Student is receiving a D or F in the course

Failure Concern

Student is in jeopardy of failing the course

Missing/Late Assignment

Student consistently has missing/late assignments that are affecting their grade

Attendance Concern

Student is consistently absent and it is affecting their grade or concerned about students well being (please complete comments)

Participation Concern

Student is not participating in class and it is affecting their grade or concerned about student's lack of participation due to well-being (please complete comments)

Preparedness Concern

Student has difficulty grasping the material and may need additional academic support which is affecting their grade or student struggles with having materials needed for the class (please submit comments)


Acknowledgment of something positive the student engaged in.

Other (Describe in Comments)

Other topics not described above.