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Home Collegewide Career Services How to Post an On-Campus Student Job on Handshake

Get Started: Activating Your Handshake Account

Please email us about wanting to post an on-campus job on Handshake, including your full name, work title, and work email. We enter this information into Handshake and you should receive an email about activating your teammate account.

This account will give you the ability to:

  • Create and manage job postings and interview schedules
  • Review and manage applications
  • Request events/register for fairs

Constructing and Posting a Job

Once you activate your account you should be able to create a job post under your division/department.

  1. On the Home Screen, in the navigation pane on the left, click “Jobs”.
  2. On the upper right, click “Create Job Posting”.
  3. Start constructing your job posting using the drop-down boxes.
  4. Preview: On this page, you can see how it will basically look. When finished or done
    editing you can finish by clicking, in the right-hand bottom corner, “save”.
  5. The status will be “Pending”.
  6. For faster approval, email us at

Things to Consider

  • You can have students apply through Handshake or using an external system.
  • The Employer is always “Sacramento City College” but you have the option to choose an
    SCC Division. Please let us know if we need to add your department to the list
  • In the “Schools” section, search and select “Los Rios Community College District.”
  • Is this a Work-Study job? Select Yes or no. All students will be able to see this job post but
    this will let the student know they need to have work-study funding.
  • Also consider this if the department is ONLY HIRING CalWorks, Federal Work-Study, etc.
    place that at the beginning of the description in big bold lettering and let it be known what
    you are looking for, e.g.,

Only Accepting CalWORKs, Federal Work-Study Students
Looking for a student assistant to work in … Department

  • Job Location is always “Sacramento City College, Sacramento CA”
    • Start typing it in and it will automatically show up.
    • If you are in West Sacramento or Davis Campus please put that in the Description box as the Job Location drop-down box has a generic location.
  • Required Documents: Suggestion is to also ask for eligibility if looking for a student on a
    work-study program. Select Other Documents, then you can enter what documents you
    need such as Program eligibility (CalWORKs, FWS) and class schedule.
  • The preferences page is “optional”, as students who do not meet your work authorization,
    graduation date, GPA, and major preferences will still be able to apply, but we’ll highlight
    which ones don’t match (and let you filter them out.)

Please visit Handshake Help Center for additional information.