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COVID-19 Information

Home Collegewide COVID-19 Info

COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures

As evolving COVID variants spread and we enter the respiratory diseases season, please review Sacramento City College's COVID-19 procedures to keep yourself and our community healthy.

Reporting Positive Cases

If a student or employee tests positive for COVID-19, they should remain home and use the Interactive Decision Chart for guidance. If they have been at a Los Rios campus or work site within 48 hours of testing positive, then they should report their positive test through the COVID Reporting Form (Appendix C).

Instructors and supervisors: when in doubt, please submit the COVID Reporting Form (Appendix C) on the student or staff member's behalf.

Interactive Decision Chart

This interactive form is for employees or students who have been exposed to COVID-19 or received a positive COVID test result and need to know what to do next.

Interactive Decision Chart

COVID Reporting Form

Submit the COVID Reporting Form (Appendix C) if you tested positive for COVID-19 and you were on campus within 48 hours of when symptoms began or your positive test collection date.

COVID Reporting Form

Contact Tracing

When a COVID Reporting Form (Appendix C) is submitted and there is an identified exposure on a campus or work site, exposure notices will be sent to the identified close contacts.

Student Cases

When instructors are notified of a positive student COVID case, they must follow the 2023-24 Student COVID Management Process Tree and use the Notification Templates for Students.

Employee Cases

When supervisors are notified of a positive employee COVID case, they must follow the 2023-24 Employee COVID Management Process Tree and use the Notification Templates for Employees.

Self-Check for Symptoms and Stay Home When Sick

Self-check for any of the following symptoms each day: fever (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher), chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. This list does not include all possible symptoms. To learn more about symptoms, visit the Centers for Disease Control.

If you are sick or are experiencing symptoms, then stay home and take a COVID test. Use the Interactive Decision Chart for guidance and submit the COVID Reporting Form (Appendix C) if needed.


Free antigen at-home tests are available to students and employees through a variety of resources. Individuals should test when they experience symptoms or learn of a COVID exposure. Testing helps identify positive cases and limits spreading COVID to others.


CDPH recommends that all eligible persons receive the COVID vaccine as soon as possible. Sacramento City College will provide current COVID vaccine information and will host campus-based COVID vaccine clinics when the vaccine is available through state and/or county public health departments. Visit the CDPH COVID vaccines website for more information.

On-Campus Vaccine Clinics

There are no upcoming vaccination clinics scheduled on campus at this time.

Face Masks and PPE

Masks are strongly recommended for all students, employees, and visitors in any indoor space, regardless of vaccination status. For outdoor activities, masks are always permissible and anyone who feels safer or more comfortable wearing a face-covering outdoors is encouraged to do so. Sacramento City College will provide face masks to individuals who want them at no cost.

Ventilation and Sanitation

Sacramento City College is providing ventilation in classrooms and shared workspaces per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Hand and Respiratory Hygiene

Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently. When sneezing, use a tissue when possible or sneeze into your elbow.

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