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Home Collegewide Reprographics Duplicating Services

Duplicating Services

Duplicating Services is a service team in the Reprographics Department.

Duplicating Services

  • 5 business day turn around time
  • Cardstock is not available.
  • Tests, midterms and final exams will be not be copied until after add/drop dates of semester.
  • Due to high volume of copy requests, Duplicating can no longer accept an entire semester’s worth of copying at the beginning of the semester. Except for syllabi requests and handouts for the first two weeks of the semester, requests for copies of mid-term and final exams will be returned to you immediately.

Duplicating Job Request

Mail Services

Duplicating Services operates its own campus distribution service providing in-house mail distribution to Los Rios Community College District employees. Our campus mail courier picks up and delivers campus and postal mail twice daily. Incoming postal mail is delivered to Duplicating Services for distribution throughout the college. The District Office mail courier also brings intercampus/college mail for distribution and picks up any outgoing pieces at 11 a.m. daily.

Mail Services Form (PDF)