Student Equity and Achievement Program
The Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP) was established in Education Code (EC) 78222 with the intent of supporting Guided Pathways and the system-wide goal to eliminate achievement gaps.
SEAP Funding Overview
The SEAP Funding Request must be based on the goals described in the SCC Student Equity Plan. Each request must address at least one metric and one DI population to qualify for funding.
SEAP Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities for the Funding Review Committee, Management (Deans), and AVPESS.
SEAP Expenditure Guidelines
Key statutes, reasonable and justifiable, ultimate responsibility, and non-allowable expenditures.
SAC Institute (Success, Access, Connection)
Culturally-affirming Academic Pathways for Social Justice Change. The SAC Institute aims to provide an evidence-based, healing, restorative, and anti-racist academic environment that aligns with SCC’s Student Equity and Achievement Plan.
SEAP Executive Summary (PDF)
Sacramento City College Student Equity and Achievement Plan 2022-2025 Executive Summary
SEAP Resources (Public)
Various SEAP resources available in a public Google Drive folder.
Learning Resource Center, LRC 106
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822