What is PD Week?
Professional Development Week, or PD Week, is held biannually during the week prior to the start of both the fall and spring semesters. Formerly known as "Flex Week," the name was changed in 2017 to reflect a more inclusive approach to professional development at SCC. In the spirit of equity and in alignment with California AB 2558, the Staff Resource Center team strives to create a professional development program that is accessible and relevant to all employees.
PD Week Resources
In addition to the synchronous PD Week workshops and events offered, we have also put together a collection of asynchronous online workshops, tutorials, and other resources. Since many of the PD Week workshops will also be recorded and posted online, feel free to visit the Online PD Resources site throughout the week to access those recordings as they are posted, as well as the rest of the collection of asynchronous online resources.
Please email the Staff Resource Center at StafRes@scc.losrios.edu.