Find OER
SCC’s Affordable Educational Resources Committee (AERC) suggests a number of searchable websites that categorize and review links to open educational resources.
Top OER Picks
ASCCC OER Initiative
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges' Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) Canvas page includes a section on Discipline Specific Resources. OER material can be browsed by discipline and is listed by C-ID designation.
LibreTexts is divided into disciplines, so select a discipline/subject area first from the "Explore the Libraries" menu option. Thereafter you can either browse through the collection for that discipline or us the "How can we help you?" search window to search within that collection using keywords.
OER Commons Advanced Search
OER Commons’ advanced search page. There is a basic search at the top if you prefer (just select subject and level).
OER Research Guide
A page library guide is designed as a list of suggested open educational resources by subject.
Skills Commons
A digital library of workforce training materials. There is also an advanced search option.
Additional OER Resources
SCC’s AERC has created the list of OER resources below.
Of course, you can google “OER reviews” plus a topic (e.g., “world history”), but our goal is to make your search easier. Contact Antonio directly for custom help.
- MERLOT. Free and open textbooks and related materials via COOL4Ed (California Open Online Library for Education). Aligned with courses in CCC, CSU, and UC.
- OER Commons. Searchable database of textbooks from ISKME, an education nonprofit.
- OpenStax College. Based at Rice University. More than 20 peer-reviewed textbooks used at UC and CSU. Can adopt or modify. Low-cost print.
- Open Textbooks. From the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources. International org. with hundreds of higher education and associated institutions. This site has an advisory group you can join - a public discussion list for community college faculty, librarians, instructional designers, administrators, and educators who are interested in open education policy, practices and resources.
- SkillsCommons. Materials for workforce development from the Department of Labor. Produced by community colleges, managed by CSU and the MERLOT program for the DoL.
- The Orange Grove. The Orange Grove repository is Florida's digital repository for instructional resources. The repository provides an environment for educators to search for, use, remix, share, and contribute educational resources.
- OPEN SUNY Textbooks: provides mentoring, technical support, and access to a broad catalog of open textbooks to help incorporate OER into the classroom, lower the cost of higher education, and empower faculty.
- Open Textbook Library. Center for Open Education at Univ. of Minn. Free to download, adapt and distribute or print at low cost. Reviewed by faculty and used in higher education.
- LibreTexts, formerly STEMWiki Hyperlibrary. Seven independent and interconnected “STEMWikis” that focus on post-secondary education. Online textbook alternatives.
- Open Course Library from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Courses in composition, logic, mathematics, foreign languages, more. Syllabi, handouts, readings, multimedia, and assignments. Zero to $30 textbook cost.
- HippoCampus. Videos and animations for middle school to college, most in science and math, some English, history, and sociology. Monterey Institute for Technology and Education.
- OER and Other Resources. General, humanities, social sciences, math, and sciences. A broad range of resources with only some overlap with other databases on this page.
- Saylor Academy. “Each of the 100+ books… is freely available for download, online reading, and sharing, under one of various open licenses. Check each book for specific terms.”
- Gutenberg. 50,000+ free ebooks: ePub, Kindle, download or web. Bona fide publishers. Over 100,000 free ebooks also available through Partners, Affiliates and Resources.
- SCC Library ebooks available through OneSearch! Not typically textbooks, many of these titles could double as textbooks or supplementary reading.
- TeachersPayTeachers. Developed for K-12 but useful for basic skills. Educators who share their work for free or for a small fee. 1000000+ lesson plans, unit plans, more.
- Flat World Knowledge. 110+ digital textbooks w/print options. Can modify.
- PanOpen. Platform with peer-reviewed materials. $25 per student per course for access to courseware mapped to learning outcomes, paired with quizzes and assessment.
- WebAssign. Exercises, simulations, videos, tutorials, question banks, and textbooks for >900 titles from academic publishers. Focus on STEM. $22.95/student per course.
- XYZ Textbooks. Low priced math textbooks, online and in print (avg $68). MathTV videos, practice problems, homework assignments, All Access Pass $40 for 2 years.
- Lumen Learning. Waymaker courses combine OER with personalized learning.
- BC Campus Open Ed (Canada). OER aligned with top subject areas in BC, many vetted by BC post-secondary faculty; low-cost printed versions available.
- Soomo Learning. Low-cost webtexts at $50 -$75 per student. Passkeys sold through bookstore or directly from Soomo.
- Writing for Success. OER adapted at Univ. Minn. from a published textbook. Writing, reading, critical thinking, grammar, and introduction to paragraphs and composition.
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). A website devoted to comprehensive instruction in writing skills for in-class and out-of-class instruction and reference.
- Prof Myhren ESL videos. Animations on grammar and punctuation.
- MathIsPower4U. 5000+ free mini-lessons and videos covering arithmetic through calculus, differential equations, nursing applications, and statistics.
- CK-12. Free online textbooks for K-12, useful in college algebra classes.
Librarian: Antonio López
Phone: (916) 558-2678
Librarian: Rebecca Goodchild
Phone: (916) 558-2377