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Home Planning|Research Program Review Program Review Template - CE

California Education Code (CEC) §78016(a) requires every vocational or occupational training program offered by a community college district to be reviewed every two years by the governing board of the district to ensure the program: 1) meets a labor market demand, 2) does not represent any unnecessary duplication of a workforce training program in the region and 3) is effective as evidenced by employment and student completion.  Further, Title 5, section 55003, requires that prerequisites and co-requisites for CE courses or programs be reviewed every two years.  As required by CEC § 78016(c), a CTE program that does not meet the required elements of the program review will undergo the program appraisal process the following year.  This process will include review and comments by the local advisory board as per §78016(c) as part of the decision-making progress. 

The biennial review shall occur at years two and four of the full six-year program review cycle, which will be completed at year six. The biennial review committee shall include the area dean, department chair, and program advisory committee members.  To accomplish the review with the advisory committee, it is suggested that the following document be completed and provided to members in advance of the meeting. Minutes should reflect discussion of the review. Once a biennial review is completed, the department chair shall notify the PRDP chair and Vice President of Instruction.  The PRDP chair will place the review on the next PRDP meeting agenda as an information item, and the Vice President of Instruction will notify district office so that the review can be placed on the next Board of Trustees meeting agenda.

The following template incorporates the requirements outlined by CEC §78016 (see page 4 for full text) and Title 5 §55003 and shall be completed by CE faculty at years two and four of the full 6-year program review cycle.


Identify your TOP (one) CIP (one), and SOC (all that apply) program codes.

Either refer to the TOP, CIP, and SOC in SOCRATES or, if not yet completed, use the recommended Centers of Excellence TOP to CIP to SOC crosswalk: TOP-CIP-SOC crosswalk. If you need help, contact the AVP of Workforce and Economic Development.

TOP: _______________ CIP: _______________ SOC(s): _______________

Step 1

Occupational Projections of Employment (Labor Market Demand)

  1. Go to Centers of Excellence Supply and Demand.
  2. Download the Occupational Projections, Labor Market Excel spreadsheet.
  3. Enable Editing.
  4. Read the Instructions Tab.
  5. In the DEMAND LMI worksheet, select the relevant criteria as following:
    • Step 1 & 2 Region and Subregion: Greater Sacramento and Sacramento (Sacramento-Roseville-Arden Arcade)*
    • Step 3 Counties: will prefill with El Dorado, Placer and Sacramento
    • Step 4 & 5 not needed
    • Step 6: 6-Digit SOC Code(s) select the relevant occupations that your program trains for and enter the data below

* Use same regions for demand (step 1) and supply (step 2)

Fill in the table below using information from the “Demand LMI” worksheet. Add rows if needed. Example italicized.

Region: Greater Sacramento
list yr.
Job Openings
10-yr period
Craft Artists –
Associate Degree  960 860 86 $95,000

Step 2A

Labor Market Supply: Post HS to AA degree Career Education Programs

To determine the community colleges and private education institutions in the region that offer your training program and the 3-year average number of program awards from these colleges:

  1. Go to the Centers of Excellence Supply and Demand website
  2. Download the Program Awards, Student Outcomes Excel spreadsheet.
  3. Enable editing twice.
  4. Read Instructions Tab. 

In the SUPPLY LMI worksheet, select the relevant criteria as following:

  • Select “Supply CC only” tab. Select type of Education Institution: Community College 
  • Regions: North Far North
  • Economic Subregions: Greater Sacramento. Use same region for demand (step 1) and supply (step 2)
  • TOP6: your program’s 6-digit TOP code, unless your program is coded at the four-digit level. 
  • Repeat process using the “Supply Other Ed Only” tab (as needed)*

*For programs where a bachelor’s degree may also supply graduates—such as nursing, business, computer programming—must complete Step2B 

Fill in the table below using the program supply information from the SUPPLY LMI worksheet. Click on the + in the table to expand the table and identify colleges. Add rows if needed. Example italicized.

Region: Greater Sacramento
TOP Code–
Program Title
year in
data: (list)
57 60 30 49

Step 2B

Labor Market Supply: Transfer Career Education Programs (requires greater than AA for career)

Note: This would only apply for programs that may also have Bachelor’s degrees for employment or a degree wherein students completing that degree must continue education to be eligible for employment.

If your program trains primarily for transfer occupations, please identify the supply from 4-year universities using the ‘SUPPLY Other Ed Only with 4-Yr’ worksheet. Include 4-year university data if occupations that your program trains for require a bachelor’s degree. Go to the Centers of Excellence Supply and Demand website, and download the Program Awards, Student Outcomes Excel spreadsheet.

In the SUPPLY Other Ed Only with 4-Yr worksheet (tab at the bottom), select the relevant criteria as following:

  • Type of Education Institution: CSU or UC and Other
  • Regions: North Far North
  • Economic Subregions: Greater Sacramento. Use same region for demand (step 1) and supply (step 2)
  • CIP with Title: program(s) that are similar to yours

Fill in the table below using the program supply information from the SUPPLY Other Ed Only with 4-Yr worksheet. Click on the + in the table to expand the table and identify colleges. Update the region if you are using a different geography than Greater Sacramento. Add rows if needed. Example italicized.

Region: Greater Sacramento
CIP Code –
CIP Title
CSU, UC or
Other (list
year in
data: (list)
57 60 30 49

Step 3

Student Completion

Utilize the SCC Degrees & Certificates Awarded (most recent version) provided by the SCC PRIE Office of Institutional Research to determine the number and trends in awards for your program over the past five years.

  1. Go to SCC’s Data and Research webpage
  2. Click the tile titled “Look at College-Wide Student Success Data”
  3. Click on “Awards Dashboard”

Example italicized.

Region: Greater Sacramento
(e.g. ADT,
AS, 30+
(e.g. name
of award
such as
ECE Teacher)
year in
data: (list)
AA Underwater
7 13 14 8 8 50
30-<60 unit cert Underwater
Weaving –
1 4 2 5 2 14
22 unit cert Underwater
Weaving –
2 4 5 6 5 22
Award Totals

If the average number of certificates and degrees conferred annually is fewer than 10, describe the reason for the number and what methods you are going to implement that will improve this metric as appropriate.

Step 4

Student Employment Outcomes

To determine employment outcomes of your program exiters, go to the Strong Workforce Program (SWP) Metrics in Launchboard.

Select the Strong Workforce tile, then select explore

  • College or Region: Sacramento City College (do first to shorten selection in next step)
  • Program or Sector: your program by TOP code
  • Academic Year: use the most current year in which data is available*
  • Click View

*Note: Data lags and available years will vary by metric. Data may be too small to report. In such cases, indicate “N/A.”

Fill in the table below using the data from the SWP Metrics page. If data is not available, leave the cell blank. Click the + to expand and view year-to-year trends. Example italicized.

Student Employment Outcomes
Metric Previous
year in
data: (list)
Enrollment N/A 100% N/A 100%
Completed 9 or more units in a single year
Transferred to a 4-year postsecondary (for programs requiring transfer for employment eligibility)
Percent Employed in a Job Closely Related to Field of Study
Median Annual Earnings
Median Change in Earnings
Attained A Living Wage 23% 45% 37% 50%

Step 5

Program Assessment and Evaluation & Pre/Co-requisite Content Review of CE courses

Assess and evaluate your program by using the data to answer the following questions:

1) Is there a positive projected labor market demand for your program? If not, is the demand a short term or long-term issue? What plans might you take if a long-term issue?


2) Does the labor market demand for employees in the region exceed the average number of program awards in the region? If not, is this a short term or long-term issue? What plans might you take if a long-term issue?


3) Is there a positive trend in student completions for the program? If not, what actions will be taken to improve completion rates?


4) Are most students (50% or more) meeting the Student Employment Metrics (Step 5)? If not, what might be reasons for the lack of attainment? How might your program help improve the outcomes?


5) What trends do you see from the previous biennial review?


If your program has pre and co-requisites courses, provide a summary of discussions with local employers/industry (such as an advisory board meeting) regarding content review.


Answers to the assessment and evaluation of the program will be reviewed by the Program Review Committee. Further action will be at the direction of that committee after its review of the document. As noted below, that action may include direction to complete the SCC Program Appraisal Process.

California Education Code

78016.  (a) Every vocational or occupational training program offered by a community college district shall be reviewed every two years by the governing board of the district to ensure that each program, as demonstrated by the California Occupational Information System, including the State-Local Cooperative Labor Market Information Program established in Section 10533 of the Unemployment Insurance Code, or if this program is not available in the labor market area, other available sources of labor market information, does all of the following:    (1) Meets a documented labor market demand.    (2) Does not represent unnecessary duplication of other manpower training programs in the area.    (3) Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students.    (b) Any program that does not meet the requirements of subdivision (a) and the standards promulgated by the governing board shall be terminated within one year.    (c) The review process required by this section shall include the review and comments by the local Private Industry Council established pursuant to Division 8 (commencing with Section 15000) of the Unemployment Insurance Code, which review and comments shall occur prior to any decision by the appropriate governing body.    (d) This section shall apply to each program commenced subsequent to July 28, 1983.    (e) A written summary of the findings of each review shall be made available to the public.