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Home Professional Learning Resources for Professional Learning Professional Development Activities

Teachers 4 Equity (T4E)

The objective of Teachers 4 Equity (T4E) is to create an equity-focused teaching and learning community by providing an incubator for faculty to engage in work fostering student equity in the classroom and supporting environment.

Teachers 4 Equity (T4E)

Equity Pathways Professional Development for Adjunct Faculty

Equity Pathways (EP) offers equity-centered professional development to adjunct faculty and adjunct counseling faculty on culturally responsive pedagogy, and evidence-based practices to support overall course success rates for disproportionately impacted (DI) students.

Equity Pathways Professional Development for Adjunct Faculty

PD Events

In addition to the many face-to-face workshops offered and supported by the Staff Resource Center, there are also a growing number of online workshops and professional development resources.

PD Events

PD Week

The week prior to the start of both fall and spring semesters the Staff Resource Center invites all SCC employees to participate in Professional Development (PD) Week.

PD Week

Staff Resource Center

The Staff Resource Center offers a number of excellent opportunities for flexible and independent learning for all employees and colleagues.

Staff Resource Center