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During the summer of 2020, the then-Vice President of Administration Carrie Bray and more than 50 classified professionals from SCC’s main campus, as well as its outreach centers in Davis and West Sacramento, worked together on the Caring Campus initiative to develop action-based behavioral commitments to improve student experience and engagement. The level of engagement and enthusiasm from the Classified Professionals who were selected was inspirational.
The Caring Campus Leadership Team selected Classified Professionals in their area who are champions when it comes to serving our students, and who already exhibit behaviors that mirror the Caring Campus behavioral commitments.
The Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) Caring Campus program guides student services, instruction, and operational department staff in developing strategies that can easily be implemented campus-wide by all staff members. This work will reinforce and support the college’s City Ways efforts. Implementation, Monitoring, and Communication plans were developed to ensure the work continues, to hold ourselves accountable, and to share the behavioral commitments and efforts with our college community.
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Caring Campus Survey Results
In the 2022-23 school year, SCC's classified professionals conducted student surveys to monitor how the college is doing at institutionalizing our behavioral commitments.
News: Caring Campus Identifies Ways to Engage Students Daily
October 2, 2020: This program guides student services, instruction, and operational department staff in developing strategies that can easily be implemented campus-wide by all staff members.
News: Caring Campus Identifies Ways to Engage Students Daily
Caring Campus Chair: Carmen Hirkala
Phone: (916) 558-2249