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UC Academic Senate rules allow a maximum of four (4) semester units of activity and eight (8) units of theory. Each UC campus appears to have their own policy regarding maximum P.E. units — see specific campus catalog.
Students without a high school diploma or GED are accepted by UC’s as long as they have satisfied the community college transfer requirements. The applicant should not apply online since they will encounter problems if they cannot list their high school graduation date. They should submit a completed application by regular mail. There is a 1-800 telephone number on the application that students can call if they have questions. (per Keith Schoon, UCB rep)
These courses are also called “Variable Topic” courses at all UC campuses. The units for these courses cannot be used in calculating the 60 minimum units required for transfer. Credit may be granted after transfer if the course is approved. The student must petition the appropriate department and provide a course syllabi/outline for review.
No credit for variable topics courses in Administration of Justice (Criminology), Architecture, Business Administration, Health, Journalism, Library or Photography will be granted due to the credit restrictions in those areas.
A student whose native language is not English who has completed at least nine years of education conducted in that native language may receive credit for language courses in the native language only if the courses are at the upper-division level.
College credit for literature in the native language is allowed only for courses taken in native institutions of college-level or for upper-division and graduate courses actually taken at the University of California or at another approved institution where the language of instruction is English.
UC Davis
UC Davis Representative: Jackie Nguyen
Email: jcknguyen@ucdavis.edu
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