Have a team that has an intent? Consider team travel - traveling together to an Institute or seminar where you can collaboratively build together something for our students.
Intentional team travel has been used to shape the Staff Resource Center (SRC), to build professional learning communities, to create pathways for students. You too can envision student pathways or certificates, culturally relevant curriculum, ZTC pathways, and more. And then through intentional team travel with an engaged and determined group of colleagues, can begin to manifest your vision.
You can refer to Resources for Transformational Learning for a few ideas of places teams have gone to in the past. Once you have an intent, an approximate team, and a destination, submit the form below to work with us to help with this travel. We can support you and guide you to locate funding (we do not guarantee funding) and options.
Intentional Team Travel Has Helped:
- shape professional learning at SCC
- create the SESI program whose legacy lives on through RAZA Center
- serve as a model for new and emerging professional learning communities
- create the First Year Experience (FYE) program
Checklist Before Consultation
I have something I want to accomplish that will take a team, an intent
I have envisioned a rough team of people that can help me accomplish this goal
I've had conversations with my area Dean or supervisor about this project so they can offer guidance and perspective
(Optional) I've talked to SEAP or other grant coordinators on campus to help shape my idea