Committee Charge
As outlined in LRCFT contract, the Professional Standards Committee reviews all faculty applications for Type A and Type B leaves and submits its recommendation to the College President. In addition, the Committee reviews the reports from leave recipients and recommends approval or disapproval to the College President.
Professional Development (Sabbatical) Leaves, Type A and B
- Type A leave is one (1) semester at full pay or one (1) year at half pay.
- Type B leave is a leave at full pay of up to one hundred percent (100%) reassigned time for us to one (1) year in duration.
Tenured faculty members are eligible for both Type A and Type B leaves. Tenure-track faculty who have completed three full years of service are only eligible for Type B leaves.
The Professional Standards Committee reviews all faculty applications once per semester and submits its recommendations to the College President. Final approval of the leaves is granted by the Board.
Additional information is available in the LRCFT Contract (section 11.6).
Professional Development Leaves, Type C
Faculty who teach overloads without additional compensation may accrue the equivalent formula hours (EFHs) up to a maximum of thirty (30) EFHs which may be applied towards a Type C Professional Development Leave.
A Type C leave allows the faculty member to take a paid leave of up to a full year. Fifteen (15) equivalent formula hours must be accrued prior to taking the leave and are required for each semester of Type C leave. Faculty who wish to accrue or “bank” their overload must submit the appropriate form prior to the start of the semester or contract year in which the non-paid overload assignment occurs. Prior to taking the leave, faculty must submit a written request (Application for Type-C Leave, P-145) to their division dean.
The applications are due April 1 for Fall semester leaves and November 1 for Spring semester leaves.
More information on Type C Leaves is available in the LRCFT Contract (section 11.7).