Committee goals:
- develop implementation, monitoring, and communication plans
- ensure the work that we started in summer 2020 continues
- hold all constituencies accountable
- present and share behavioral commitments and efforts with our college community
The CCLTPC is a group of classified professionals who are champions when it comes to serving our students.
Committee members already exhibit behaviors that mirror the Caring Campus behavioral commitments:
- Caring Communication: Introduce Yourself
- Warm Referrals: Take the person to their next step or call ahead
- Know Other Departments: Know our College, so we can help students
- Reach Out to Students: Follow-up on interactions
Our Caring Campus facilitator Sheila White said it best:
“Think students, then decide.”
Committee formed in January 2021.
Committee Charge
To develop a process that will ensure the College implements and continues the behavioral commitments developed during the Caring Campus initiative that will also reinforce City Way for Classified Professionals.
This group’s charge will be to review the composition of the group and recommend any additions. It will also develop a plan for continual practice of Caring Campus/City Ways. This will include, but not be limited to, the execution of the Implementation Plan, Monitoring Plan, Communication Plan and Leadership Support Plan.
The expectation is that the work to institutionalize Caring Campus for Classified Professionals will take at least two years, for this reason the two-year Long-Term Planning Committee option is being used.
Caring Campus
Caring Campus is a Sacramento City College initiative that puts students first.
Caring Campus Champion Nomination
Do you know someone who is actively engaged in Caring Campus efforts? Nominate them!
Membership as of Aug 2023
- Chair: Carmen Hirkala
- Vice-Chair: Vacant
- Secretary: Vacant
- Adm. Support: Mitch Campbell
- Diana Daniels
- Michie Burbano
- Silvia Aguirre-Barr
- Kevin Williams
- Lisa Hayden
- Dawn Pederson
- Madeline Thompson
- Stephanie Cortez
- Monica Souza
- Linda Lee
- Karla Lopez
- Angelica Garcia Galvan
- Gabriela Diaz
- Deborah Knowles
- Alma Mejia
- Blair McAnelly
- Alejandra Benites